Ericsson 4418 B40T KRC161706/1

The Ericsson 4418 B40T KRC161706/1 is a telecom equipment designed to support communication services.

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About Ericsson 4418

The Ericsson 4418 is a telecom device that mainly combines radio technology used in mobile networks. It supports multiple frequency bands, which enables it to operate in several network environments; it improves the signal strength and range, making it suitable for urban and rural settings. The Ericsson 4418 uses an advanced antenna technology called the MIMO(Multiple input multiple output) for an efficient performance, which improves mobile connectivity.


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Ericsson Radio 4418 Datasheet

The Ericsson Radio 4418 Datasheet shows technical specifications and features of the Ericsson radio unit Include:

Model No

Radio 4418 B41



Operating wavelength


Usage occasion

Base antenna




Communication antenna


Two-Dimensional Antenna

Transport package

New carton packing




Directional antenna

Nature of operation

Receiving antenna

Structure form

Surface antenna




Radio 4418 B41

Base antenna

High Gain Antenna





HS code


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Payment terms

Full payment before delivery

Invoice Availability

Digital invoices sent via email

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Full refund within 30 days of purchase

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SSL encryption for secure transactions

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Ericsson 4418 Documentation

4418 Radio Description


The 4418 Radio is an independent online radio station vastly known for its diverse mix of music, audio shows, and community-based programs; it aims to promote diverse content, featuring local talents and engaging in podcasts while fostering creativity and conversation. Ericsson 4418 connectivity is stable and reliable with optimal transmission.

Radio 4418 Install Radio


Installing the Radio 4418 involves a non complex procedure to enhance the network range. The radio should be located near the antenna; telecom experts can use fiber optic cable to link Radio 4418 to the baseband unit, integrating the radio to the Ericsson networks to improve the network coverage and performance.

Benchmark measurements in 5G Networks

Benchmark measurements in 5g networks using Ericsson 4418 show the performance in terms of speed, reliability, latency, and reliability, ensuring optimal network efficiency.

Ericsson Reviews

This section gives more information and feedback from the customers and experts on Ericsson Radio 4418; the reviews have two segments, which are the customer reviews and expert reviews; it gives valuable insight into the quality of Radio 4418.

Customer Review


Samuel Miles

Great performance, but the radio overheats with high traffic. Installation was simple, but there should be better bandwidth rates.


Sara Hopkin

High capacity and coverage. Connecting with the existing telecom network was uninterrupted; though there were some initial configuration challenges, it is reliable for boosting network performance and capabilities.


John Craig

Energy efficiency and data speeds have improved. The setup was easy, but the radio is a bit expensive. Nevertheless, it performs strongly in our network.

What Our Experts Say


Samuel Luke, IT Coordinator

The Ericsson radio offers improved network support, but it struggles with heat management during high traffic. It is a suitable option for mid-level advancement.


Simone Lewis, Technical Manager

The efficiency of the capacity and energy is balanced. While the first setup may require some expertise, the overall performance and integration capabilities make it a valuable addition.


Brendan George, CBDO

The Ericsson radio is a good choice for improving network efficiency and speed. Regardless of the cost, it has advanced and enhanced features and easy installation, which validates the investment for more extensive networks.


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ONT Network

What is ONT?


Optical Network Terminal is a device that links fiber optic networks to various locations like homes or business spaces, converting optical signals into electrical signals used for network services, the internet, and Televisions.

What does ONT stand for?


ONT Stands for Optical Network Terminal. It is an access point between the fiber optic network and the user's devices, ensuring a smooth data transmission.



An ONT box is the physical unit installed at the client's location or facility; the ONT box is where all the necessary components to connect the fiber optic cable to local network service are enclosed.

ONT Router


The ONT router is connected to the ONT box, supplying wireless network and ethernet connectivity to several devices within the exact location or building, ensuring high-speed internet access.

ONT Cable


The ONT cable is a fiber optic cable that integrates the ONT box to the leading fiber optic network, ensuring high-speed data transmission over long distances with minimal Loss.

Fiber optic ONT


A fiber optic ONT controls advanced fiber optic technology to deliver high-speed internet, rapid data transfer, and reliable connectivity for both residential and business applications.


Here are few notable partners of Ericsson:

part1 part2 part3 part4 part5 part6 part7 part8


The Ericsson 4418, faces competition from other companies that offer similar products offering comparable functionality and benefits , pushing Ericsson to continuously improve and differentiate its product to maintain its leading market position and Customers.





















Strong cybersecurity





Global presence





Technical support










Ericsson competitors


Ericsson's significant competitors include Nokia and Huwaei in the telecom industry, each providing a wide range of network infrastructure; they all provide telecom hardware and services for 5G,4G,3G, and 2G connections.

Stealthwatch competitors


Stealthwatch is known for its network visibility and security analytics; it provides cybersecurity and threat detection and faces competition from Fortinet, DarkTrace, and FireEye, providing similar services.

Cisco Competitors


Cisco is a leader in networking solutions; its primary contenders include Juniper, Aruba, Fortinet, and Palo Alto networks. All offer competitive telecom hardware and software solutions.

Nokia Competitors


Nokia competes with top telecom companies like Ericsson, Huawei, Samsung, and Cisco; these companies compete with Nokia in different areas, such as mobile networks,5G infrastructure, and other advanced telecom technologies.

Telecom Equipment and Services

Telecom equipment and services is the core of modern communication networks, using hardware and software components which includes routers,switches and base stations to ensure smooth connectivity, efficient data transfer, and stable communication across the universe.

Telecom Equipment


Telecom equipment is mainly used in telecommunication; it includes hardware and software such as Routers, base stations, and switches, which are essential for building and maintaining communication Networks.

Ericsson Equipments


Ericsson equipment benefits network services and end-users with integrated features and capabilities; it provides a vast range of telecom equipment optimised for 4G and 5G technologies.

Telecom Repair Services


Our telecom repair services' primary role is to ensure your telecom equipment's maintenance and rapid restoration, minimising downtime and enhancing operational maximum efficiency.




What services can we provide?


We offer extensive telecom solutions, including repair, equipment sales, installation, and maintenance services to meet your network services

Why should you buy from us , not from other suppliers?


We provide high-quality and advanced products, extraordinary customer service, and competitive pricing, ensuring the best value for your asset.

What is Ericsson 4418 Radio?


The Ericsson 4418 radio is an advanced high -capacity, energy-efficient unit designed to improve network performance and support wireless network

How do I buy Ericsson 4418 Radio?


You can purchase the Ericsson 4418 radio by contacting our sales team through our official website or our customer service number.

Where can I find the documentation for Ericsson 4418?


The documentation for the Ericsson 4418 can be found on our website or by requesting it from our customer support team.

How can I get support for Ericsson 4418?


To get support for Ericsson 4418, contact our support team through email or phone number for a fast response.

What payment methods are available for purchasing Ericsson 4418?


Payment gateways include bank transfers, credit cards, and purchase orders for Ericsson 4418.

Why should I buy from your company instead of other suppliers ?


We offer advanced product quality and expert technical support, ensuring a smooth purchasing experience.

How can I keep my Ericsson 4418 Radio updated?


To keep your Ericsson 4418 Radio updated, frequently check for software updates on our website or contact our support team.

Do you provide telecom hardware for different network needs?


We offer a wide range of telecom hardware refined for various network requirements and specifications, enabling maximum performance and reliability.